Working with adorable pets (who just so happened to be great actors) that cuddled all day. I've already peaked.

THE BRIEF: Austin Humane Society has outgrown its current location and needs to raise money for a new, larger facility and community center. How can we motivate the community to donate to the construction fund?

THE IDEA: Animal lovers are the most likely to feel an emotional response and donate to AHS. So we made spots that will strike a chord with pet-obsessed people and make them reach into their wallets.

AHS was working with a small budget and needed a campaign that could live for a long time. So, with one day, five pets, and some awesome improv actors, we got as much content as we possibly could: 1 supercut, 1 :30, 11 :15s, and 5 :06s. Yep. 18 spots. That's how much we love goodboys and goodgirls.


00:30 TV


Art & Copy: 

Divya Seshadri

Meghan D O'Neill


Leslie Shaffer 

Nikki Baker 


